Deciding which product to when there are two very similar products on offer can be a bit of a challenging task. This is often the case for decks and patios. Since this is a fairly big investment, many people find it difficult to decide which one they want. But, no matter how similar they are, there are a few differences in terms of looks, functionality, price and other similar factors. MTB Carpentry and Construction has listed out the pros and cons of both decks and patios just for you. Take a look and deicide which one you need!
Pros: A deck can be installed in any type of terrain. This may be an advantage to you if you have got and yard that is not levelled. Decks can be used to aesthetic purposes because they’re so beautiful. This is because they can be built off the ground. In addition to all that decks are easy to customize and don’t heat up easily. This is a blessing if you live on the Gold Coast because it gets so hot.
Cons: They are more expensive than patios and can bear less weight. Decks require more maintenance and usually last shorter than patios. (Even though they do last quite a long time regardless)
Pros: Patios are usually much cheaper than decks. They don’t require nearly as much maintenance as decks and can last much longer. Additionally, patios provide more privacy compared to decks because of their more closed nature.
Cons: Patios cannot be installed on uneven terrain. Moreover, patios are more susceptible to cracking and are less likely to endure weather extremes.
Now that you’ve seen the differences between the two, you can decide which one you would like to be installed on your Gold Coast home. Call MTB Carpentry and Construction and we will be more than happy to help you out with deck designs, patio designs and your installation.